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I. Columbia Business School

I. Columbia Business School

„...First I’d like to go into why I am doing my MBA. While working for P&G in research and development my job embraced different kinds of functions. In most of the projects I was involved with, the finance part seemed to be the most interesting to me; especially long-termed. I talked to my management, and they made absolutely clear that, if you want to climb up to a general management position: what you really would have to do within P&G is marketing or organization; I would have to go to marketing. Putting those two things together I decided to pursue a finance career in a finance environment, basically in banking. For me to break into that I thought an MBA was essential. So that is how I applied to Columbia and Wharton whose MBA programs maintain the most renowned finance programs...“

Marcel Liplijn ist Teilnehmer des MBA-Programms an der renommierten Columbia Business School in New York. Dies war ein Auszug aus der Rede, der er auf dem MBA-Expertenforum: MBA Gate 2002 gehalten hat.

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„...Let me give you some of the background behind why I decided to apply to business school. By the spring of 2000, after a stint of freelance e-commerce-related consulting, I began reflecting on my career to date and where I wanted to take it. I felt I had chalked up some very solid professional experience, particularly in my previous positions as a derivatives trader and as co-founder of a UK-based that had raised over £5m in venture capital. My experience as co-founder of a company had really opened my eyes to how much more there was for me to learn about business in general than I could have realized when I was a trader. But I strongly felt that to advance, and possibly enable a shift in, my career I needed to consolidate what I had learned. My best idea of a future career was one that involved all the elements -- strategy, technology and finance -- I had enjoyed most in previous roles. Most of the job options that would combine those elements – venture capital, strategy consulting, or technology investment banking –required an MBA in order to maximize my potential...“

Cliff Hinrichs ist Teilnehmer des MBA-Programms der renommierten europäischen Anstalt INSEAD in Fontainebleau, Frankreich. Dies war ein Auszug aus der Rede zum Essay-Schreiben, die er auf dem MBA-Expertenforum: MBA Gate 2002 gehalten hat.

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