
I. Columbia Business School
I. Columbia Business School
...First Id like to go into why I am doing my MBA. While working for P&G in research and development my job embraced different kinds of functions. In most of the projects I was involved with, the finance part seemed to be the most interesting to me; especially long-termed. I talked to my management, and they made absolutely clear that, if you want to climb up to a general management position: what you really would have to do within P&G is marketing or organization; I would have to go to marketing. Putting those two things together I decided to pursue a finance career in a finance environment, basically in banking. For me to break into that I thought an MBA was essential. So that is how I applied to Columbia and Wharton whose MBA programs maintain the most renowned finance programs...
Marcel Liplijn ist Teilnehmer des MBA-Programms an der renommierten Columbia Business School in New York. Dies war ein Auszug aus der Rede, der er auf dem MBA-Expertenforum: MBA Gate 2002 gehalten hat.
Die gesamte Rede von Marcel Liplijn finden Sie in unserer Download Sektion unter
<link: http://MBA-Gate.de/de/download
...Let me give you some of the background behind why I decided to apply to business school. By the spring of 2000, after a stint of freelance e-commerce-related consulting, I began reflecting on my career to date and where I wanted to take it. I felt I had chalked up some very solid professional experience, particularly in my previous positions as a derivatives trader and as co-founder of a UK-based dot.com that had raised over £5m in venture capital. My experience as co-founder of a dot.com company had really opened my eyes to how much more there was for me to learn about business in general than I could have realized when I was a trader. But I strongly felt that to advance, and possibly enable a shift in, my career I needed to consolidate what I had learned. My best idea of a future career was one that involved all the elements -- strategy, technology and finance -- I had enjoyed most in previous roles. Most of the job options that would combine those elements venture capital, strategy consulting, or technology investment banking required an MBA in order to maximize my potential...
Cliff Hinrichs ist Teilnehmer des MBA-Programms der renommierten europäischen Anstalt INSEAD in Fontainebleau, Frankreich. Dies war ein Auszug aus der Rede zum Essay-Schreiben, die er auf dem MBA-Expertenforum: MBA Gate 2002 gehalten hat.
Die gesamte Rede von Cliff Hinrichs finden Sie in unserer Download Sektion unter
<link: http://MBA-Gate.de/de/download